Feel | Think | Do

I am passionate about fostering creative problem-solving skills in the younger generation, preparing them to tackle both small and large social issues. My goal is to empower them to build product companies and generate employment opportunities.

Over the past 22 years, I have navigated various facets of the design field. My journey includes web design, Flash animations, UX design, building and managing design teams, and venturing into training, mentoring, curriculum development, and entrepreneurship.

<aside> 💡 Nurturing Creative Problem-Solvers at Crayomi


Expression of thoughts & work

<aside> 💡 Not a regular blogger, but love to share my thoughts in all possible ways 🙂


Project - Life simplification

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Icons made by www.flaticon.com

Icons made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com

Icons made by Those Icons from www.flaticon.com